The working mum life juggle

Claire Turnbull article working mum life juggle

The working mum life juggle

I know it probably looks like I nail the juggle most of the time but rest assured, I’m 100%  human and it sure isn’t smooth sailing all the time.

By 8.20 this morning, I’d already cried twice, dropped yoghurt on the floor and if I could have, would have crawled into my little boys bed (or underneath so no one could find me) and gone back to sleep. It was rough.

Josh woke up soooo many times in the night this weekend and as any of you have experienced sleep deprivation before know, it’s actual torture. You never know when you’ll get a child sent home sick or have to re-jig your entire week at the drop of the hat because sh*t happens. The juggle between keeping focused on work projects while remembering the ‘gold coin donation’ dress-up days, school athletics events and keeping on top of the last minute stories they need to write is crazzzy. Not to mention the birthday parties, who is friends with who this week and what they will and won’t eat in the lunch box.’s ok. If there’s one thing I have learnt that I’d LOVE to share with you today is that it’s OK to have bad days, it’s ok to struggle, it’s ok to not get things right and not be ok all the time. We are HUMAN. We can however learn from it all and make changes if needed, learn it’s ok to say no...or equally just let ourselves cry because it’s part of processing the emotions you are feeling and...THAT’S NORMAL!!!

One of the hardest things these days I think is that it’s so easy to compare yourself to others because of social media. There are so many people that look like they have got it sussed and have the magic formula to this juggling act...but they probably don’t. There’s no perfect way to do it, it’s just finding a way that works for you and being kinder to yourself as you go through the journey of figuring that out.

I have a team of fabulous working mums who work to support my businesses over 80 hours each week so I sure don’t do this alone. We hold each other up in the hope we can hold you up too with the work we do.

Take care, you are doing great and remember it’s ok to ask for help.

Claire xx

Health Advice