Being human


Being human

Somedays you might feel like you can take on the world, smash your goals, and rock out a feast for dinner easily.

Others, you can feel like getting up is hard, the motivation to get going and hit your to do list is minimal, and it’s a struggle to put egg on toast together.

Both are normal. Both are part of being a human.

Being up for too long, going too fast, achieving it all and always being your best high energy self can end up burning you out.

Equally, having too many days when you feel like you can’t muster the motivation to get moving can be problematic and if you feel hopeless much of the time, getting help is essential.

Accepting that it’s normal to have some degree of ups and downs without thinking there’s something wrong with you is important.

Don’t give yourself a hard time for experiencing emotions of all types or feel there’s a problem with you if you don’t feel happy every minute of the day.

“Flowers don’t bloom all year, so don’t expect yourself to either”

Claire x