Get your habits back on track!


It’s been a hell of a few years with everything that’s been going on in the world and it’s easy for stress to take over and play havoc with your eating!

If you are feeling lost, can’t face another bloody diet and just want to get your eating back on track, without it taking over your life, then this masterclass is for you.

By the end of this masterclass you will know how to:

  • Create a life where it no longer feels like food controls you

  • Build healthy habits so you don’t have to rely on willpower

  • Ditch the diet mindset and stop giving yourself a hard time

  • Get your food cravings under control

  • Enjoy eating without guilt

  • Overcome overeating and binging

  • Avoid self-sabotage

  • Create a healthy food environment so it is easier to make healthier choices

This isn’t just the perfect session to help you, if you have children it will help you understand how to help them create a healthy relationship with food too!

Make change happen: This isn’t an ordinary online event. This is me coaching you to make changes that can last!!

If you are interested in viewing this Masterclass please email us at For $79, you will get access to the video for 2weeks and be emailed the supporting documents so you can work through these while viewing.

Health Advice