Living in line with your values


Living in line with your values

There are many things that influence the way we behave, but our values are among the most instrumental. Values can be described as the guiding principles by which we govern our lives. They act like a compass and dictate and influence everything we do – from our behaviours to our decision-making and what we believe is right and wrong. Living in line with our values can make life feel more meaningful and have a positive impact on our mental wellbeing.

Understanding your values has a double layer of benefits. First, it can help you understand why you to see why you sometimes clash with others – it may simply be that you value different things to them. Seeing the situation through that lens can make you feel a lot less irritated. Second, it allows you to review your life and see if the decisions you make are in line with what is important to you.

Some examples of values include honesty, forgiveness, kindness, creativity, appreciation, respect and equality. There are more examples on the PDF worksheet for this challenge.


Work out your core values and use these as a compass in your decision-making this year.

Review the list on page 1 of the PDF worksheet and circle the 10 values that really stand out as important to you. Then, from the list of values you have circled, pick your top five and number them in order of priority for you. If some of them overlap, you can combine them as one item on your list.

The values that are important to you personally and professionally may differ, so you could create two lists if that feels right for you. Keep these values in mind as you make decisions throughout the year.

Keen to dig deeper? 

On page 2 of the PDF worksheet you will find a reflection activity you can use to review how much your life is currently aligned with your values. Reflect on the different areas of your life outlined and think about where things are working well at the moment, and where there is a disconnect between your core values and your decisions in each area of your life. You can then identify a couple of things that you can change or do differently that would help you to live more in line with your values this coming year.

For example:

  • If quality time is important to you, why not organise an activity with your friends or family. Spend time with them doing something you enjoy such as a game of pool, a bike ride, or a movie night.

  • If adventure/fun are core values you feel are not showing up in your life as it is now, plan something fun or adventurous to look forward to this year such as a hike or bungee jumping!

Good luck!