Roasted Pumpkin and Carrot Dip

Claire Turnbull roast pumpkin carrot dip

Roasted pumpkin and carrot dip

Make the most of seasonal veg with this delicious creamy dip! Plus, it is much cheaper and healthier than the ones you can buy.

Ingredients: (serves 16)

  • ¼ crown pumpkin, peeled and chopped into 3cm cubes (500g)

  • 2 carrots – peeled and chopped into 2cm wide chunks

  • 1 tsp of each of these spices: ground cumin, curry powder, ground coriander or 1 tbsp Moroccan seasoning

  • 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped

  • 1 can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed

  • 1 tbsp tahini or peanut butter

  • Zest and juice of ½ orange

  • 1 tbsp oil

  • Optional: a handful of parsley/coriander can be blended through or chopped and sprinkled on top

How to make:

  1. Coat the pumpkin and carrot in oil and sprinkle over the spices and mix through the chopped garlic

  2. Put the pumpkin and carrot onto a lined baking tray and roast in the oven at 180 degrees for approx 30-40minutes or until soft.  If they start to go too brown, cover in foil to avoid them burning. Remove from oven and cool.

  3. Add cooled pumpkin and carrots into a food processor along with the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth.

  4. Add a splash of water if required to make a consistency of your liking.  Season to taste.

 I made this using my Kenwood Food Processor