What do you believe?


What do you believe?

“I can do anything I put my mind too” Josh announced tonight doing his 100th front flip.

It struck me that he 100% believes that to be true about any situation he comes across. Why? Because I have intentionally said those words to him a hundred times or more. 

Our beliefs are our brains way of trying to make sense of things. One example of that is if we hear the same thing repeated over and over, we start to believe it to be the truth and subsequently, our choices and actions can be influenced by this belief.

This is great if you grew up being told you could ‘reach for the stars’, do ‘anything you put your mind to’ or the other one my boys are familiar with ‘you don’t have to win but you do have to try’.

But, in life I so often meet people who have super unhelpful beliefs that consume them, these being as a result of things that were said to them when they were children, and sometimes as adults too.

“You’ll never amount to anything”

“You’re too fat to play that game”

“There’s no way someone like you would be good enough”

and so it goes on.

If you struggle with self confidence, talk unkindly to yourself about yourself, or feel like you aren’t good enough, I’d love you just to step back for a moment and really question - Where does that belief come from? Is it really true?

Nope, probably not. 

It’s time for you to create a new story for yourself!

It’s not an easy job changing what you believe, but as with so many things, awareness is the first stage of change so just acknowledging that those beliefs aren’t working for you is a great first step.

Much love, this journey of unpicking ourselves sure is a crazy one.