Tummy troubles?


Tummy troubles?

Nugget of inspiration #11 - Digestive issues? These are so damn common.

Gut health is a big topic, but check out this nugget of inspiration with a top tip which is important for us all to remember. Other things to consider are:

  • Stress – your gut and brain are connected, so stress can have a huge impact on how your bowel functions.

  • Fizzy drinks, caffeine and alcohol - these can all impact how things flow.

  • We aren’t designed to eat so much of the highly processed food that exists in the western world today - minimally processed, whole foods are best to be the base of your meals and snacks.

  • If you have IBS and you are keen to explore the low FODMAP approach, PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS LONG TERM.

    This is about finding out your level of tolerance to foods and there is protocol to follow when you are trying to work this out, so get professional advice here. Avoiding all fodmaps long term can compromise your nutrition overall, so you only need to moderate the foods that are triggers for you. If you struggling with IBS symptoms or need personalised advice on your gut health, head to Mission Nutrition to find the right support from one of our experts in this area. If you have insurance, you might be able to claim the costs back too.

Health Advice, Inspiration